
A cookie is a file containing an identifier (a string of letters and numbers) that is sent by a web server to a web browser, and stored by the browser. The identifier is then sent back to the server each time the browser requests a page from the server.

Cookies can be used by web servers to identity and track users as they navigate different pages on a website and to identify users returning to a website.

Cookies may be either "persistent" cookies or "session" cookies. A persistent cookie consists of a text file sent by a web server to a web browser, which will be stored by the browser and will remain valid until its set expiry date (unless deleted by the user before the expiry date). A session cookie, on the other hand, will expire at the end of the user session, when the web browser is closed.

Cookies on this Website

We use both session cookies and persistent cookies on this website.

  1. ASP.NET_SessionId - standard ASP.NET cookie containing the user's session ID.
  2. ASPXFORMSAUTH (encrypted authentication ticket)[DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(timeOut/session.timeout) - where the timeout is the web.config parameter DateTime.Now.AddYears(1) - if the Remember me checkbox is set on] - authentication ticket cookie.
  3. CMSPreferredCulture (culture code)[DateTime.Now.AddYears(1)] - the user preferred culture.
  4. CMSPreferredUICulture (culture code)[DateTime.Now.AddYears(1)] - the user preferred UI Culture.
  5. ViewMode (int)[DateTime.Now.AddDays(1)] - different number value for the Design mode, Live site, etc.
  6. VisitorStatus (int)[DateTime.Now.AddYears(1)] - sets the visitor status (unknown/first visit/more visits).
  7. CurrentVisitStatus (int)[DateTime.Now.AddHours(23)] - current visit status (throughout current day).
  8. PropertyTab (int)[DateTime.Now.AddDays(1)] - current property tab.
  9. CMSShoppingCart (GUID)[DateTime.Now.AddYears(1)] - shopping cart GUID.
  10. CMSMobileRedirected (true/false)[DateTimeHelper.ZERO_TIME] - sets the redirected cookie to see what device is being used.
  11. CurrentTheme (current CSS stylesheet Name)[DateTime.Now.AddDays(1)] - current theme cookie.
  12. Campaign (campaign string)[DateTime.Now.AddDays(1)] - User campaign reference.
  13. UrlReferrer (url string)[DateTime.Now.AddDays(1)] - User URL referrer.
  14. DisplayContentInDesignMode (true/false)[DateTime.Now.AddYears(1)] - If true, web part content should be displayed in design mode.
  15. FormState (int - id)[DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(10)] - For a check if the form state needs to be restored.
  16. VotedPolls (ints and pipes)[DateTime.Now.AddYears(1)] - content will be list of the poll codenames user already voted to; separated by pipes.
  17. DocRated (ints and pipes)[DateTime.Now.AddYears(1)] - stores rated document IDs; separated by pipes.
  18. PostAnswer (string and colon)[DateTime.Now.AddMonths(1)] - list of answers.
  19. UserWords (strings with pipes)[DateTime.Now.AddMonths(1)] - stores user words for the SpellChecker; separated by pipes.
  20. FACEBOOK (cookies are being set via the Facebook application): - value from the Settings in the Site Manager - Site Manager -> Settings
  21. -> Facebook Connect
  22. _expires (hash)[at the end of relation] - When the current session expires. This is usually an hour or two after it's granted. If it's 0, then it means the session does not expire.
  23. _session_key (hash)[at the end of relation] - The current session. This is used to make API requests.
  24. _ss (hash)[at the end of relation] - The session secret. This prevents someone who knows your session key from using the session.
  25. _user (hash)[at the end of relation] - The user ID of the currently logged in user.
  26. (hash)[at the end of relation] - The signature, which will be generated from all other parameters.
  27. fbsetting_ (hash)[1day] - The last cookie is not related to the signature validation (which is why it does not start with the APIKEY prefix). It is used to cache the login state between page loads, so that the XFBML rendering does not have to wait for a round trip to Facebook before starting.
  28. WINDOWS LIVE ID (cookies are being set via the application)
  29. MSPAuth (hash)[the end of the relation]
  30. MSPProf (hash)[the end of the relation]
  31. OPEN ID (cookies are being set via the application)
  32. __openid_selector_uname (string)[1 year]
  33. __openid_selector_op_id (int)[1 year]
  34. __openid_selector_openid (string login URL)[1 year]

How we use Cookies

Cookies do not contain any information that personally identifies you, but personal information that we store about you may be linked, by us, to the information stored in and obtained from cookies.

We may use the information we obtain from your use of our cookies for the following purposes:

  1. to recognise your computer when you visit our website;
  2. to track you as you navigate our website, and to enable the use of the [specify feature – e.g. shopping cart] on our website;
  3. to improve the website’s usability;
  4. to analyse the use of our website;
  5. in the administration of this website;
  6. to prevent fraud and improve the security of the website;
  7. to personalise our website for you, including targeting advertisements which may be of particular interest to you.

Third party cookies

When you use our website, you may also be sent third party cookies.

Our advertisers/service providers may send you cookies. They may use the information they obtain from your use of their cookies:

  1. to track your browser across multiple websites;
  2. to build a profile of your web surfing;
  3. to target advertisements which may be of particular interest to you.

In addition, we use Google Analytics to analyse the use of this website. Google Analytics generates statistical and other information about website use by means of cookies, which are stored on users' computers. The information generated relating to our website is used to create reports about the use of the website. Google will store this information. Google's privacy policy is available at:

Our advertising services providers may send you cookies for the purpose of enabling the service of advertisements based on your previous visits to our website.

Cookie Preferences

You can manage your preferences relating to the use of cookies on our website by visiting: [URL].

Blocking cookies

Most browsers allow you to refuse to accept cookies. For example:

  1. in Internet Explorer you can refuse all cookies by clicking “Tools”, “Internet Options”, “Privacy”, and selecting “Block all cookies” using the sliding selector;
  2. in Firefox you can block all cookies by clicking "Tools", "Options", and un-checking "Accept cookies from sites" in the "Privacy" box.

Blocking all cookies will, however, have a negative impact upon the usability of many websites. If you block cookies, you will not be able to use the My Account or Shopping Cart Facilities on this website.

Deleting cookies

You can also delete cookies already stored on your computer:

  1. in Internet Explorer, you must manually delete cookie files (you can find instructions for doing so at;
  2. in Firefox, you can delete cookies by, first ensuring that cookies are to be deleted when you "clear private data" (this setting can be changed by clicking "Tools", "Options" and "Settings" in the "Private Data" box) and then clicking "Clear private data" in the "Tools" menu.

Doing this may have a negative impact on the usability of many websites.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about our cookies or this cookies policy, please contact us.